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Smashing a Silver Coin in a Penny Smashing Machine #Shorts

How Should Novice Investors Go About Buying Silver Coins?

An investor interested in buying silver coins should have firsthand information on working of the silver market. It is necessary that the investor gets deeply involved in the topic before he starts investing in the precious metal.

Treasure Hunting: What to Look For On Jewelry

Have you ever been at a Garage Sale, or Yard Sale and found jewelry and didn’t know if it is valuable? Have you ever been to a thrift store, consignment shop, resale shop, or even Goodwill?

Demand For Silver In China Increases

This article explains the importance of investing in Silver bullion, futures and ETFs.China is investing in silver more than before. Demand for silver in China is increasing every day. The ‘Silver Imports to China’ has touched a new level. According to the studies and analyses the demand will continue to grow this year.

2011 Predictions for Silver Investment

Silver is constantly fighting market volatility to maintain its status quo as a safe haven for investment. So what does 2011 predict for silver?

How To Store Coins

Knowledge of how to store coins can essentially aid in the increase of your coin’s value. Over time an appropriately stored coin could become of value in numismatic proportions.

Is Silver A Good Investment Option?

Although considered inferior to gold, silver is fast catching tremendous attraction from investors in recent times. It is a viable option for most investors than gold, where the investment capital required is much higher. Investors, small and big are heavily investing in this metal according to their capabilities and risk profile.

Gold And the European Sovereign Debt Crisis

While the European sovereign debt situation remains prominent in the business news, the euro has depreciated significantly is anticipation of events that could lead to the dissolution of the European union, and that will spend the end of the euro as we know it. This growing idea has lit a fire under gold, the shiny metal which investors flee to when trouble looms over the horizon, and these days with the European Sovereign debt crisis on the front page of every newspaper in the world, gold investors have a lot to smile about.

Make Money By Offshore Gold Storage

The concept of offshore gold storage has become very much welcome among the people today. The main idea is to store the gold in a country which allows neutrality and also of which the investor is not a citizen.

Understanding The Process Of Buying Gold

Understanding how to buy gold bullion is not always so simple. The process of buying gold bullion needs to be carefully planned out. Learning to buy gold bullion properly is essential.

Gold and Silver: Money of the Past, Present and Future

This article serves to explain why Gold and Silver is money across space and time. For over 5000 years of human history, no currency on earth has fulfilled the role of money as well and as perfectly as these precious metals.

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