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Silver Sundays May 16th, 2021 | Precious Metals, News, Live Q&A

Top Ten Reasons Silver Beats a Bucket of Chicken

Silver has had some pretty crazy price swings lately, but, right now it’s down to a price that the average Joe can afford to pay it. And since I take great pride in doing my civic duty by providing “public service announcements” I present my case for silver vs. the bucket of chicken.

Payday Loans Vs Selling Your Scrap Gold

It’s a typical scenario. You cashed your paycheque yesterday, paid all of your bills, bought groceries for week, and, after all that, you only have enough change for a can of soda. Then, as luck would have it, your car broke down this morning.

Silver Is Your Ticket to Wealth!

Silver is being used in unprecedented volumes today, and is fast becoming the rarest of all the precious metals known to man. Having only an estimated 15 years of supply left in the ground, Industry will soon have to look for an alternative for its 1500 odd applications, ranging from Electronics, Jewellery, Solar Equipment, and Water purification systems, just to name a few. Silver Bullion is now being considered by many as the choice investment for the future.

Advantages Of Investing In Gold And Silver Bullion

In a volatile macroeconomic climate, investing can be a scary proposition. Gold and Silver represents an investment that offers long-term security and value, acts as a store of wealth, and can be used as a hedge against uncertainty.

Silver Cutlery: A Buyer’s Guide

There are few things to consider whilst putting together a canteen of antique silver cutlery: 1. The Number and Types of Courses You Wish to Serve; 2. The Number of People You Wish to Serve; 3. A Design of Cutlery that Suits Your Tastes and Home and 4. Your Budget.

Gold Prospecting: For Fun or For Getting Rich?

A modern day gold panning is underway. With gold prices at an all time high more and more gold prospecting are heading into the gold mining fields of Arizona, Nevada, California, New Mexico, Alaska and many other places across the U.S. and other gold bearing areas of the earth.

The US Dollar and Euro Vs Gold and Silver

Gold does not have very many industrial applications or everyday uses in general. However the one thing gold has always been good for, is value protection. Throughout history gold has always maintained its true value regardless, the economic circumstances it encounters. Currency devaluation is always accompanied by inflationary monetary policy.

Silver Cutlery: Storing and Cleaning

A lot of people enjoy eating with silver cutlery, and many of our clients turn assembling the perfect collection into a hobby. However, a common criticism is that it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain the shine of freshly polished silver. In this article, we will show that this is not necessarily true, and that a little of effort can bring big rewards.

Silver Dealer Review – StraightSilver

Many people are just beginning to become aware of a need for silver and of the tremendous value and potential explosive growth they may find should they decide to buy silver coins. In this article I’m going to offer my review of one of the many dealers out there and I’m going to choose an online silver bullion dealer to begin start.

Protect Your Economic Future With Correct Knowledge!

The greatest transfer of wealth in history is about to happen and with the right knowledge, you can be on the winning side and protect you and you family in these times of economic chaos. A friend of mine called me up recently…

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